// NBT tags have a type, optionally a name which consists of the name size and the name string, optionally content type, and optionally a payload which can consist of optionally content type, optionally a content size,
// and the stored content. The format in which they are stored is as follows: <type><name size><name><payload>. All numbers are stored in big endian representation.
// Tag[] (list): Tag<Tag:type>( 9, String:name, uint16:name_size, Tag[]:content, int32:size) => list of tags of the same type with tag type and name information omitted prefixed by (in order) content type and size
// Tag[] (compound): Tag(10, String:name, uint16:name_size, Tag[]:content, int32:size) => list of tags, last tag is always an end tag, size not stored
// int32[]: Tag(11, String:name, uint16:name_size, int32[]:content,int32:size) => list of 32 bit signed integers prefixed with its size, endianness not verified at this point
// int64[]: Tag(12, String:name, uint16:name_size, int64[]:content,int32:size) => list of 64 bit signed integers prefixed with its size, endianness not verified at this point