@ -146,11 +146,16 @@ namespace NBT {
ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string> readString(uint8_t data[], uint64_t dataSize, uint64_t currentPosition) {
if(dataSize > 0xFFFF){
if(currentPosition > dataSize){
return ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string>(true, ErrorCodes::OVERRUN);
ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string> output = JavaCompat::importJavaString(data+currentPosition, (uint16_t) dataSize);
ErrorOr<int16_t> stringSize = readInt16(data, dataSize, currentPosition);
if (stringSize.isError) {
return ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string>(true, stringSize.errorCode);
ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string> output = JavaCompat::importJavaString(data+currentPosition, stringSize.value);
return ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string>(true, output.errorCode);
@ -385,9 +390,9 @@ namespace NBT {
// be determined easily by looking at the contained data type and
// size information but cases like string lists or compound lists
// are significantly more difficult to deal with. Parsing their
// contents requires special attention anyway due the tag headers
// of contained tags being absent so they may as well get their
// own function for this as well.
// contents requires special attention anyway due to the tag headers
// of contained tags being absent so they may as well get treated
// separately for this as well.
ErrorOr<uint64_t> totalTagSize(uint8_t data[], uint64_t dataSize, uint64_t currentPosition) {
uint8_t nextTag;
if (dataSize <= currentPosition) {
@ -569,10 +574,247 @@ namespace NBT {
bool validateRawNBTData(uint8_t data[], uint64_t dataSize, uint64_t initialPosition){
//TODO: find out the size of the next tag
//TODO: consume tag
//TODO: recurse if tag compound and return if tag end
return false;
bool validateRawList(uint8_t data[], uint64_t dataSize, uint64_t initialPosition, uint64_t* processedDataSize) {
ErrorOr<int32_t> elementCount = helper::containedDataLength(data, dataSize, initialPosition);
if (elementCount.isError) {
return false;
// there is no way this is an error bc it gets checked while trying
// to get the element count
int16_t nameSize = helper::readInt16(data, dataSize, initialPosition+1).value;
// type byte + two name size bytes = 3
uint8_t contentType = data[initialPosition + nameSize + 3];
// type byte + two name size bytes + contained type byte + 4 length bytes = 8
*processedDataSize = (uint64_t) nameSize + 8;
switch (contentType) {
case TagType::END:
// everything except content has been touched at this point
// and a list of end tags has no content
return true;
case TagType::INT8: {
*processedDataSize += (uint64_t) elementCount.value;
return initialPosition + *processedDataSize < dataSize;
case TagType::INT16: {
*processedDataSize += (uint64_t) elementCount.value * 2;
return initialPosition + *processedDataSize < dataSize;
case TagType::INT32:
case TagType::FLOAT: {
*processedDataSize += (uint64_t) elementCount.value * 4;
return initialPosition + *processedDataSize < dataSize;
case TagType::INT64:
case TagType::DOUBLE: {
*processedDataSize += (uint64_t) elementCount.value * 8;
return initialPosition + *processedDataSize < dataSize;
case TagType::INT8_ARRAY: {
for (int32_t i=0; i<elementCount.value; i++) {
ErrorOr<std::vector<int8_t>> nextArray = helper::readInt8Array(data, dataSize, initialPosition+*processedDataSize);
if (nextArray.isError) {
return false;
*processedDataSize += (uint64_t) nextArray.value.size();
return true;
case TagType::STRING: {
for (int32_t i=0; i<elementCount.value; i++) {
ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string> nextString = helper::readString(data, dataSize, initialPosition+*processedDataSize);
if (nextString.isError) {
return false;
// this cannot be an error because it just got checked
int16_t nextStringSize = helper::readInt16(data, dataSize, initialPosition+*processedDataSize).value;
*processedDataSize += (uint64_t) nextStringSize + 2;
return true;
case TagType::LIST: {
uint64_t* containedDataSize = new uint64_t;
for (int32_t i=0; i<elementCount.value; i++) {
*containedDataSize = 0;
if (validateRawList(data, dataSize, initialPosition+*processedDataSize, containedDataSize)) {
*processedDataSize += *containedDataSize;
} else {
delete containedDataSize;
return false;
delete containedDataSize;
return true;
case TagType::COMPOUND: {
uint64_t* containedDataSize = new uint64_t;
for (int32_t i=0; i<elementCount.value; i++) {
*containedDataSize = 0;
if (validateRawNBTData(data, dataSize, initialPosition, containedDataSize)) {
*processedDataSize += *containedDataSize;
} else {
delete containedDataSize;
return false;
delete containedDataSize;
return true;
case TagType::INT32_ARRAY: {
for (int32_t i=0; i<elementCount.value; i++) {
ErrorOr<std::vector<int32_t>> nextArray = helper::readInt32Array(data, dataSize, initialPosition+*processedDataSize);
if (nextArray.isError) {
return false;
*processedDataSize += (uint64_t) nextArray.value.size() * 4;
return true;
case TagType::INT64_ARRAY: {
for (int32_t i=0; i<elementCount.value; i++) {
ErrorOr<std::vector<int64_t>> nextArray = helper::readInt64Array(data, dataSize, initialPosition+*processedDataSize);
if (nextArray.isError) {
return false;
*processedDataSize += (uint64_t) nextArray.value.size() * 8;
return true;
return false;
bool validateRawNBTData(uint8_t data[], uint64_t dataSize, uint64_t initialPosition, uint64_t* processedDataSize){
if (initialPosition >= dataSize) {
// Yes, this *could* return an instance of ErrorOr with
// ErrorCodes::OVERRUN but we only care to know if what is
// at that position is valid NBT which it clearly isn't according
// to the original spec.
if (processedDataSize!=nullptr) *processedDataSize=0;
return false;
// An interesting question at this point is whether we should
// consider empty input valid or invalid NBT data.
// The original spec says that the top-most tag is always a
// compound (or in more recent times, the Microsoft-commercialized
// in-game-purchase-enabling version also allows list tags)
// which automatically means that no data is invalid data...
// I don't see a reason why having a different tag as the top-most
// tag shouldn't be valid NBT in which case we have to face the
// question whether no data is invalid or just empty NBT data.
// This seems like a reasonable extension to the spec to me and
// it should be backwards compatible AFAIK.
// - BodgeMaster
uint64_t currentPosition = initialPosition;
#define return if (processedDataSize!=nullptr) *processedDataSize = currentPosition-initialPosition; return
while (currentPosition<dataSize) {
ErrorOr<uint64_t> nextTagSize = helper::totalTagSize(data, dataSize, currentPosition);
if (nextTagSize.isError) {
if (nextTagSize.errorCode == ErrorCodes::NOT_YET_KNOWN) {
// attempt parsing the name
ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string> tagName = helper::readString(data, dataSize, currentPosition+1);
if (tagName.isError) {
return false;
uint64_t* processedTagSize = new uint64_t;
*processedTagSize = 0;
if (data[currentPosition]==TagType::LIST) {
if (!validateRawList(data, dataSize, currentPosition, processedTagSize)) {
delete processedTagSize;
return false;
if (data[currentPosition]==TagType::COMPOUND) {
// seek to the start of the compound's contents
// there is no way this is an error bc it gets
// checked while trying to parse the string above
int16_t nameSize = helper::readInt16(data, dataSize, currentPosition+1).value;
// type byte + two name size bytes = 3
if (!validateRawNBTData(data, dataSize, currentPosition + (uint64_t) nameSize + 3, processedTagSize)) {
delete processedTagSize;
return false;
*processedTagSize += (uint64_t) nameSize + 3;
currentPosition += *processedTagSize;
delete processedTagSize;
return false;
if (currentPosition + nextTagSize.value > dataSize) {
return false;
// recursion abort condition
if (data[currentPosition]==TagType::END) {
return true;
// nameSize cannot be an error here bc it got checked in
// nextTagSize() already
int16_t nameSize = helper::readInt16(data, dataSize, currentPosition+1).value;
// attempt parsing the name
// This shouldn't matter too much here as the only error condition
// the parser function deals with rn is an overrun which is already
// being guarded against with
// if (currentPosition + nextTagSize.value > dataSize) return false;
// It might, however, turn out to be a useful check in the future.
ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string> name = helper::readString(data, dataSize, currentPosition+1);
if (name.isError) {
return false;
switch (data[currentPosition]) {
case TagType::INT8:
case TagType::INT16:
case TagType::INT32:
case TagType::INT64:
case TagType::FLOAT:
case TagType::DOUBLE:
case TagType::INT8_ARRAY:
case TagType::STRING: {
// attempt parsing the content
// This shouldn't matter too much here as the only
// error condition the parser function deals with rn is
// an overrun which is already being guarded against with
// if (currentPosition + nextTagSize.value > dataSize) return false;
// It might, however, turn out to be a useful check
// in the future.
// type byte + two name size bytes = 3
ErrorOr<tiny_utf8::string> content = helper::readString(data, dataSize, currentPosition+nameSize+3);
if (content.isError) {
return false;
case TagType::INT32_ARRAY:
case TagType::INT64_ARRAY:
return false;
currentPosition += nextTagSize.value;
return true;
#undef return