lib/error: Keep track of the origin of an error #44

opened 2022-08-15 09:43:48 +02:00 by BodgeMaster · 1 comment

Where was it thrown? Did it come from the function I called or was it passed up from another function further down the call stack?

Where was it thrown? Did it come from the function I called or was it passed up from another function further down the call stack?
BodgeMaster added the
label 2022-08-15 09:43:48 +02:00
BodgeMaster changed title from lib/error: Add some way to keep track of the origin of an error to lib/error: Keep track of the origin of an error 2022-08-15 09:44:01 +02:00

Ideas for that:

  • for every error, keep track of where it came from using compiler macros (__FILE__ and __LINE__?)
  • store a pointer to an instance of ErrorOr or ErrorOrVoid somewhere to be passed down with each error
  • use macros or functions for both instantiating and handling errors to automatically create and clean up the pointer and pass down errors
Ideas for that: - for every error, keep track of where it came from using compiler macros (`__FILE__` and `__LINE__`?) - store a pointer to an instance of ErrorOr or ErrorOrVoid somewhere to be passed down with each error - use macros or functions for both instantiating and handling errors to automatically create and clean up the pointer and pass down errors
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