# Resources Data used for testing and understanding the internals of Minecraft/FOSS-VG, also contains code to produce such data ## java/ Programs to produce data for figuring out how to interact with Java-specific things - `JavaStringGenerator.java`: A simple tool that reads from stdin and outputs Java-style UTF-8 to stdout - `netty-tests/`: Figure out how Netty operates ## NBT_data/ Data used to test the NBT library `bare_int64_tag`: What the name says `bare_int64_tag_and_int32_tag`: What the name says `simple_nbt`: A simple NBT file containing all tag types `nested_compounds_and_lists`: A combination of nested compound and list tags (parser stress test) `servers.dat`: Pulled from my Minecraft installation `servers.dat_nbt_decoded.txt`: The same data manually decoded (This was done to get a better understanding how NBT works, might come in handy.) `level.dat`: Pulled from one of my world saves (gzip-compressed) `level.dat_decompressed`: The same data decompressed ## unicode_data/ Files with unicode data - Bare ("normal") UTF-8 - Java format ## all_bytes Every possible 8-bit byte in ascending order ## check_endianness.cpp A simple tool to determine the endianness of the system and write the endianness header for FOSS-VG Supports: Little Endian, Big Endian, PDP Endian, Honeywell Endian Usage: `check_endianness > header_file` Note that, while this tool should in theory be able to detect PDP and Honeywell-316-style endianness, the FOSS-VG project itself does not support these.