-`ls` [list] Get a listing of the specified directory. If none given, the current directory is used.
-`cat` [concatenate] Originally created to concatenate files, it is most commonly used to print the contents of a file to the standard output. It takes file paths as arguments.
-`mv` [move] Move or rename a file or directory. It takes two arguments: Origin and destination.
-`cp` [copy] Copy a file or directoy. It takes two arguments: Origin and destination.
-`echo` output text to standard output
-`test` [more commonly known as `[ ... ]`] used to check whether a condition is true or false, result is passed back using exit code
-`df` [disk free] show available disk space
-`du` [disk usage] show how much space a given file or directoy is using
-`su` [switch user] self-explanatory
-`rm` [remove] remove a file or directoy
-`mkdir` [make directory] self-explanatory
-`find` find a file or directoy by specified criteria
-`grep` search for regular expressions in text
-`uname` [UNIX name] get information about the operating system - usually name, architecture, and build information
-`chmod` [change mode] change file permissions
-`chown` [change owner] change file ownership
-`sed` [stream editor] edit text on the fly
-`vi` unholy abommination of a text editor :)
-`kill` kill a given process
-`less` or `more` print only a screen worth of text at a time and wait so you have the time to read it
__Commonly used special files__
. ..
dev null
dev urandom
__Honorable mentions:__
The following things won’t be available on all systems, but are really handy when they are:
-`free` shows information about used/free RAM on Linux systems
-`nano` nice user-friendly terminal text editor available on many systems
-`htop` nice user-friendly terminal task manager
-`which` easy way to find out where the binary for a given command is located
-`sl` a great way to infuriate anyone who happens to type too quickly
-`sudo` become root (or any other user) by authenticating the current user instead of the target user given the current user is permitted to do so - useful when root login is disabled