# CustomMinecraftLauncher The Launcher for my mod pack # General TODO List * [ ] Frontend * [ ] Port the GUI (and fix the design differences between Desktop environments) or write a new one (→ `gui.py`) * [ ] Write a CLI / GUI hybrid program to handle the libraries (→ `main.py`) * [ ] Library development * [ ] Write a new game launching Library (→ `mchandler.py`) * [x] Write a new authentication library (→ `yggdrasil.py`) * [ ] Write a config handler (→ `cfghandler.py`) * [ ] Create server startup request library * [ ] Modpack update helper (→ `updater.py`) * [ ] Develop server side tools * [ ] Server startup request listener * [ ] Modpack update helper * [ ] Web files (HTML files to be shown in and cached by the launcher) * [ ] Server status page * [ ] News page * [ ] Credits page # Documentation Documentation for each individual file can be found in the same directory ## Directories * __devtools__ contains development tools * __lib__ contains libraries for Minecraft and the launcher * __res__ contains the resources/assets used by Minecraft * __run__ contains the running directory / game directory ## Files * __main.py__ the main file of the Launcher # TODO list * __main.py__ * [ ] run the updater * [ ] CLI * [ ] GUI * [ ] decide whether to launch the GUI * [ ] launch GUI (from `gui.py`) * [ ] get user input from GUI * [ ] Act according to the user input