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No commits in common. "ebabc961fb95195f9330f526087e2b5f1a4f9fc9" and "b5cf0103143851b59aee96d66a4ed767d06cb678" have entirely different histories.

1 changed files with 10 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -90,49 +90,6 @@ def add_tag(storage_directory, file_hash, tag):
return not tag_already_present
def get_tags_by_hash(storage_directory, file_hash):
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(storage_directory, "container.sqlite"))
cursor = db.cursor()
tags = None
cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM hashes WHERE hash=?", (file_hash,))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if not row == None:
internal_id = row[0]
cursor.execute("SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE id=?", (internal_id,))
rows = cursor.fetchall()
tags = []
for row in rows:
tags = tags+[row[0]]
return tags
def get_hashes_by_tag(storage_directory, tag):
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(storage_directory, "container.sqlite"))
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM tags WHERE tag=?", (tag,))
rows = cursor.fetchall()
internal_ids = []
for row in rows:
internal_ids = internal_ids+[row[0]]
file_hashes = []
for internal_id in internal_ids:
cursor.execute("SELECT hash FROM hashes WHERE id=?", (internal_id,))
row = cursor.fetchone()
file_hashes = file_hashes+[row[0]]
return file_hashes
def file_is_in_storage(storage_directory, file_hash_or_path, compress):
if compress:
#that last part is needed bc os.path.join automatically discards everything before the last element containing an absolute path so if file_hash_or_path is an absolute path that would be what join gives back
return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(storage_directory, "objects", file_hash_or_path+suffix)) and not os.path.isfile(file_hash_or_path)
def load_container_settings(storage_directory):
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(storage_directory, "container.sqlite")):
return (PATH_ERROR, None, None, None, None)
@ -158,7 +115,6 @@ def load_container_settings(storage_directory):
# check storage container against settings
#TODO: check compression ?
if parity and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(storage_directory, "parity")):
return (GENERAL_ERROR, None, None, checksum_algorithm, compress)
return (0, parity, parity_bytes, checksum_algorithm, compress)
@ -179,7 +135,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" search <storage directory> <tags or partial tags> - return paths and tags of all found files
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" search+first <storage directory> <tags or partial tags> - return hash and tags of first found file
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" search+unique <storage directory> <tags or partial tags> - return hash and tags of the found file, return error if not found or multiple found
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" lookup <storage directory> <hash|exact tag|set of exact tags> - return hash and tags of all found files
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" lookup <storage directory> <hash|exact tag|set of exact tags> - return paths and tags of all found files
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" lookup+first <storage directory> <hash|exact tag|set of exact tags> - return hash and tags of first found file
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" lookup+unique <storage directory> <hash|exact tag|set of exact tags> - return hash and tags of the found file, return error if not found or multiple found
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" link <storage directory> <hash> <location> - add a symlink in <location> that points to the referenced file
@ -194,7 +150,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
"""+sys.argv[0]+""" help - display this message
#TODO: +path modifier for things that return a hash to return the path to the stored file instead
#TODO: +hash and +tags modifier for lookup
#TODO: condense modifiers onto the same lines as the main subcommand where possible
#TODO: clarification of <> and []
#TODO: subcommand to change container settings
@ -203,7 +158,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
command = sys.argv[1].split("+")
except IndexError:
print("No subcommand specified.", file=sys.stderr)
print("No command specified.", file=sys.stderr)
print(USAGE, file=sys.stderr)
if not command[0] in VALID_COMMANDS:
@ -282,7 +237,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# file - requires a file path; adds a new file (or if file already in storage adds tags to that file), checks for collisions by comparing file size
# move - requires file modifier; moves the file to the storage dir instead of copying it
if command[0] == "add":
if len(sys.argv)<5:
if not len(sys.argv)>5:
print("Too few arguments!", file=sys.stderr)
print(USAGE, file=sys.stderr)
@ -296,24 +251,28 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if status==GENERAL_ERROR:
print("Verifying container settings failed.", file=sys.stderr)
if compress:
file_hash_or_path = sys.argv[3]
if 'file' in command:
if not any([hash_allowed and file_is_in_storage(storage_directory, file_hash_or_path, compress), os.path.isfile(file_hash_or_path)]):
if not any([hash_allowed and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(storage_directory, "objects", file_hash_or_path)), os.path.isfile(file_hash_or_path)]):
print("Unknown file!", file=sys.stderr)
print(USAGE, file=sys.stderr)
tags = sys.argv[4:]
if hash_allowed and file_is_in_storage(storage_directory, file_hash_or_path, compress):
if hash_allowed and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(storage_directory, "objects", file_hash_or_path+suffix)) and not os.path.isfile(file_hash_or_path):
#that last part is needed bc os.path.join automatically discards everything before the last element containing an absolute path so if file_hash_or_path is an absolute path that would be what join gives back
file_hash = file_hash_or_path
print("File already in storage.")
file_hash = calculate_file_hash(checksum_algorithm, file_hash_or_path)
if file_is_in_storage(storage_directory, file_hash_or_path, compress):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(storage_directory, "objects", file_hash+suffix)):
print("File already in storage.")
#this assumes that the storage directory has not been tampered with or corrupted, FIXME!
if 'move' in command:
@ -329,7 +288,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if parity:
gegerate_parity_file(os.path.join(storage_directory, "objects", file_hash), parity_bytes, os.path.join(storage_directory, "parity", file_hash))
if compress:
xz_process = os.popen("xz --best -T0 "+os.path.join(storage_directory, "objects", file_hash))
if parity:
xz_process = os.popen("xz --best -T0 "+os.path.join(storage_directory, "parity", file_hash))
@ -341,51 +299,5 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Tag already present.")
# lookup subcommand: return hash and tags of found files
# arguments: <storage directory> <hash|exact tag|set of exact tags>
# modifiers:
# first - only return one file
# unique - return error if not found or multiple found
#TODO: modifiers
if command[0] == "lookup":
if len(sys.argv)<4:
print("Too few arguments!", file=sys.stderr)
print(USAGE, file=sys.stderr)
storage_directory = sys.argv[2]
status, parity, parity_bytes, checksum_algorithm, compress = load_container_settings(storage_directory)
if not status==0:
if status==PATH_ERROR:
print("Invalid storage directory!", file=sys.stderr)
print(USAGE, file=sys.stderr)
if status==GENERAL_ERROR:
print("Verifying container settings failed.", file=sys.stderr)
file_tags_or_hash = sys.argv[3:]
if file_is_in_storage(storage_directory, file_tags_or_hash[0], compress):
tags = get_tags_by_hash(storage_directory, file_tags_or_hash[0])
print("Tags for file:")
# create a two dimensional array of all the files associated with each individual tag
file_hash_lists = []
for tag in file_tags_or_hash:
file_hash_lists = file_hash_lists + [get_hashes_by_tag(storage_directory, tag)]
# take the first of the arrays in the two dimensional array
common_file_hashes = file_hash_lists[0]
# iterate over the two dimensional array
for file_hash_list in file_hash_lists:
# check each element in common_file_hashes to ensure it is also in all other arrays in the two dimensional array, remove if it isnt
for file_hash in common_file_hashes:
if not file_hash in file_hash_list:
if not common_file_hashes == []:
print("Files for tag(s):")
# this line is here to work around a bug in Xed