post_apocalypse_story/mb First Steps

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The station is is much larger than any of the metro stations inside the dome. It has many platforms. Portions of the tall roof that is supported by long pillars have caved in and whats still standing has holes. Rays of light poke through holes in the walls and the roof. All of that is visually stunning but what really catches Annies eyes are the plants everywhere. Parts of the platforms are densely covered in the thin, green blades of some plant giving them a fuzzy look. Vines cling to the walls and pillars, crawl along gaps and edges, and hang from rusty beams and the fringes of the caved in roof sections. Moss grows on the rusted benches and trash cans.
2023-04-27 11:46:06 +02:00
After running over a bunch of bushes and tall flowers that have taken root on the tracks, Jack brings the train to a stop close to the end of the platform.
"Exit to the right", he says in unison with the automated voice before turning the switch for the doors and gesturing towards the passenger area. "After you."
2023-04-27 11:46:06 +02:00
Annie walks over to the closest door and pushes the button. Pressurized air hisses and the left half opens with a squeeking noise. They step out onto the platform. Annie breathes the warm air. It smells of plants. Insects are buzzing about, and the wind rustles through the leaves. She *note: need translation for "in die Hocke gehen"* and touches the carpet of green fuzziness.
"Grass. It grows pretty much everywhere, usually much taller than this though."
She looks up at him.
"I knew there would be more plants out here... I didnt expect that many of them."
"Welcome to the outside world. Wanna take a quick look around?"
She gets up. "Sure."
2023-04-27 11:46:06 +02:00
- They walk over to a balcony-like structure that used to connect to a bridge
- Jack points out some key landmarks
- They start walking towards the bunker