post_apocalypse_story/ka (finding the train).md

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*Context: They are exploring the Ivydale train yard*
"Michelle! Look what I found..."
She climbs through the gap between the rotting cars on the adjacent track.
"Where are you?"
"Up here."
Jack had climbed onto the rather sketchy-looking roof of one of the trains. Michelle climbs onto the link between cars and Jack helps her to the top.
"Over there..."
He points across the deteriorating metro trains towards the outermost track of the overgrown train yard. A small roof - or in places what remains of it - extends over the track from the side of a large building. Under the roof are several tank cars. Some are rusted through or missing parts, but a few look like they might still hold liquids.
"Oh, wow! Maybe theres some gas left in there or something..."
"My thought. Lets check it out."
They climb back down and make their way over to one of the tank cars. They climb onto the side of the car and Jack attempts to use the ladder that leads to the top but it crumbles under his feet.
"I guess I found the way down..."
*Missing: They decide that Michelle is gonna go on top of the thing.*
"Do we have a wrench or something?"
Jack looks around.
"I dont know. Lemme take a look inside there..."
*Jacks perspective:*
*He steps through where used to be a door that is now laying half-rotten on the ground. Turns out the building used to be a warehouse: It is filled with rotting, partially collapsed towers of crates. The counter to the left of him \[missing text\]*
*I have decided to use Michelles perspective for this section of the story. This might be a one-off, or it might happen more, Idk.*
*Michelles perspective:*
He disappears through where used to be a door. After a moment, he reappears, triumphantly holding a large adjustable wrench.
"Its a bit rusty but should do the job."
"Im afraid to see what you call very rusty."
"This thing for example."
He knocks the wrench against the ladder on the side of the tank which causes more pieces to break off and hands her the wrench. After a bit of fiddling, she manages to get a good grip on one of the nuts holding the lid in place - it doesnt budge.
"Need a hammer or something?"
"That pipe over there should probably do."
Jack picks up a section of metal pipe and hands it to her. Putting it over the wrench for additional leverage, she pushes against it until the bolt snaps.
"Well thats one way to open that" she says as she moves on to the next nut.
*missing section: Michelle opens the lid and finds some disappointing fact - its empty or whatever*
The contents of the next tank are more promising.
"Smells like diesel... We should go find a truck or something to drive around."
"I have a better idea." Jack grins and nods towards the opening in the wall.
"Oh no, what are you up to again?"
"Uhh... Nothing in particular."
He disappears into the building again, reemerging with a bucket.