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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title> Diesel Creek </title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="html_resources/style.css"></head><body><a href="index.html"><button class="back">&lt;</button></a>
<h1> Diesel Creek </h1>
Michelle asks: <span class="quote speech">And you really expect to find
one here that isn&apos;t beyond repair?</span><br />
They are walking into a valley in a large forested area.<br />
Jack replies: <span class="quote speech">I&apos;m not even sure this is
the right place. Everything looks so different. But if it is, we&apos;ll
have plenty to choose from. Not optimistic about any of the hydraulic
excavators but we had some older cable-driven diggers
<span class="comment">right word?</span> on site that we might get
working.</span><br />
<span class="comment">research that needs to be done:
When were hydraulic excavators invented?
When did they get the ability to use a jackhammer attachment?
When did the cable-driven ones go out of fashion?</span><br />
James says: <span class="quote speech">Look, over there.</span><br />
He gestures towards a group of very rusty and completely overgrown
machines and vehicles standing amidst the trees.<br />
Jack says: <span class="quote speech">That one to the right is similar to
what we&apos;re looking for.</span><br />
They walk up to the machines.<br />
Jack turns to Annie and James, patting the side of the machine he pointed
out a moment earlier. It has a sort of arm in the front with a huge scoop
thingy on the end.<br />
<span class="quote speech">We&apos;re looking for something like this but
with steel cables going from back here up there and to the boom.</span>
<br />
James asks: <span class="quote speech">Why not use this one?</span><br />
<span class="quote speech">&apos;Cause this thing&apos;s done for.
Beyond repair, as Michelle put it.</span><br />
<span class="quote speech">How can you tell?</span><br />
Jack walks to the front and points to some parts on the arm of the
machine. <span class="quote speech">These rods used to extend and retract
to move the boom. They need to be perfectly smooth and fit together
exactly or they&apos;ll leak the oil inside.</span><br />
They take a quick look at the other machines. There is another, smaller
excavator, a <span class="comment">Kipper?</span>, a <span class="comment">
Wie hei&szlig;t diese Maschine mit F&ouml;rderband, die Material sortiert?
</span>, and two <span class="comment">Radlader?</span>.<br />
Annie asks: <span class="quote speech">How did all of these get
inbetween the trees?</span><br />
<span class="quote speech">The trees weren&apos;t here when they were
used. This is why I had such a hard time finding this place.</span><br />
Annie asks: <span class="quote speech">Is this how the dome was dug
out?</span><br />
<span class="quote speech">Well... no. That was mostly done using
explosives. But we had a large fleet of machines for all sorts of
tasks.</span><br />
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