01 Wake Up: revision

- make things more logical
- add detail
- wording
BodgeMaster 2024-01-08 20:55:15 +01:00
parent c6c1db1909
commit ea3123eceb
1 changed files with 43 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
An automated voice comes on: <span class="quote speech">Emergency
defrost complete. Entering low power mode.</span><br />
He thinks: <span class="quote non-speech">Get it together, Jack!
You knew this was gonna happen. You have trained for this. Where are the
You knew this could happen. You have trained for this. Where are the
meds again? ...</span>
@ -27,17 +27,19 @@
air, and looks around. The light shining out of his chamber reveals a
dirty floor. The table and chairs in front of him as well as the kitchen
area across the room are covered in dust and all exposed bits of metal
have rust. The red night lights on the ceiling are dimly illuminating
the rest of the bunker. He looks to the left: The wall is lined with
other preservation chambers, all but one of them being powered down.
In the corner is the minicomputer controlling the bunker, a half-height
rack filled to the brim with devices, and next to it a teleprinter, a
computer-controlled typewriter. Along the rear wall are desks holding a
radio and a terminal, a device with a keyboard and a screen, and above
them a phone on the wall &ndash; nothing out of the ordinary here.
He looks to the right: More preservation chambers. Instead of a wall,
there&apos;s the bunker door &ndash; door is a bit of an understatement,
it&apos;s a massive gate. A small slither of light passes under it.
have rust. The paint is starting to flake off of the walls. Red night
lights on the ceiling are dimly illuminating the rest of the bunker.
He looks to the left: The wall is lined with other preservation chambers,
all but one of them being powered down. In the corner is the minicomputer
controlling the bunker, a half-height rack filled to the brim with
devices, and next to it a teleprinter, a computer-controlled typewriter.
Along the rear wall are desks holding a radio and a terminal, a device
comprised of a keyboard and monitor, and on the wall above them is a
phone; nothing out of the ordinary here &ndash; apart from a few paint
crumbs sprinkled on everything. He looks to the right: More preservation
chambers. Instead of a wall, there&apos;s the bunker door &ndash; door
is a bit of an understatement, it&apos;s a massive gate. A small slither
of light passes under it.
<span class="quote speech">These fucking idiots... They didn&apos;t
reseal it properly.</span>
@ -91,14 +93,13 @@
out of the niche in the wall, pulling cables out of the box under it.
He grabs the fork by the handle and bends the <span class="comment">
middle? inner?</span> prongs out of the way to bridge the control
panel&apos;s switches using the outer prongs. Nothing happens.
panel&apos;s switches using the outer ones. Nothing happens.
<span class="quote speech">Of course it wasn't gonna be that easy.</span>
He starts to dig into the wires, attempting to find the fault, but
realizes after a moment that the wiring is more complex than expected
He starts to dig into the wires, attempting to find what&apos;s wrong,
but realizes after a moment that the wiring is more complex than expected
and he has no idea what he&apos;s doing.
<span class="quote speech">Let&apos;s get the manual for this
thing...</span> <span class="comment">He probably wouldn&apos;t say it
like that while talking to himself.</span>
<span class="quote speech">Guess I need the manual for this
Jack walks over to the desk with the terminal and flips the switch on the
@ -110,14 +111,14 @@
aloud: <span class="quote speech">CPU is idle, serials are idle,
one active cryogenic chamber, primary hard drive is spinning &ndash;
all good. Secondary hard drive is powered down, let&apos;s change
that...</span> He pushes the power button and hears the fans kick in.
The spin-up button starts blinking. He waits for a moment to let the
fans blow away any dust that may have settled inside the drive, then he
pushes it. The spindle motor kicks on. There is some intermittent
rattling from the drive, probably a shot bearing. He hears the platters
inside accelerate unusually slowly. Impatiently sitting there, Jack waits
for the drive to be ready. Clicking from the mechanism unlocking the
heads followed by a ringing scratching noise.
that...</span> He pushes the power button and hears the fans blow air
through the drive. The spin-up button starts blinking. He waits for a
moment to let the fans blow away any dust that may have settled inside
the drive, then he pushes the button. The spindle motor kicks on. There
is some intermittent rattling from the drive, probably a shot bearing.
He hears the platters inside accelerate unusually slowly. Impatiently
sitting there, Jack waits for the drive to be ready. Clicking from the
mechanism unlocking the heads followed by a ringing scratching noise.
<span class="quote speech">Of course...</span> He quickly presses the
power button again. The scratching stops and the spindle motor turns off,
the spindle still rattling occasionally as the platters spin down.
@ -125,17 +126,9 @@
No manuals for me, I guess...</span>
He gets up and walks over to the phone. Maybe, the lines to
&lt;dome city&gt; still work. Not exactly excited by the prospect of
calling random people, but not seeing another option, he reaches for
the receiver. It lifts off the wall with a quiet click and Jack begins
to dial. He holds the receiver to his ear - silence.
<span class="quote speech">Welp, that&apos;s that.</span> He puts it
back on the wall.
In an attempt to find anything useful, he sits down at the terminal and
logs on.
He gets up and returns to the terminal. Maybe, there is a backup copy or
anything useful on the primary hard drive. He sits down in front of it
and logs on.
<pre class="terminal">
Tue, 2106-06-01, 18:01
@ -148,9 +141,19 @@ Welcome to INUX!
$ &#9608;
<span class="quote speech">So it&apos;s been over a hundred years,
hm...</span> He starts going through the files, hoping he misremembered
where the manuals were stored, but to no avail, they are gone.
<span class="quote speech">So it&apos;s been over a hundred years.
Hm...</span><br />
He goes through the files but to no avail, no backup turns up. Nothing
useful either. He does, however, find a note from 2030 saying that the
inhabitants of &lt;dome city&gt; have proven to be unhelpful when asked
for assistance. Too bad they are the ones that have a backup of the
secondary hard drive &ndash; assuming there is anyone still living there.
He gets up and reaches for the phone. It lifts off the cradle with a
quiet click. Jack holds it to his ear and starts dialing but realizes
quickly that there is no <span class="comment">Freizeichen?</span>.
<span class="quote speech">Welp, that&apos;s that.</span>
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