"Good morning, Annie! Pancakes are ready." Jack takes his hand off her shoulder. She and looks around. James is driving the bus on a surprisingly very intact highway. Yesterday's mountains are still visible in the far distance behind them. A seeminly endless desert has taken their place . Annie gets up and goes to the improvised kitchen area. Jack wakes up Michelle, then he tells James. "So when are we gonna reach the pit?", Michelle asks. Jack looks at James. James tils his head slightly and shrugs. "Like five hours ago?" "You’re kidding." "Didn’t wanna wake you up." "Uhh..." He grins. "Don’t worry, I won’t drive from here." "Wait... doesn’t that mean that we’re way ahead of schedule?" James shrugs again, this time holding up his hands. She turns to Jack: "How much ahead are we?" Jack glances at his watch. "About three hours. But if you’re as lucky with the wind as James, we’ll be more ahead by the time we arrive." "You didn’t sleep, did you?" "Sleep is overrated anyway - but if you allow it, I’ll be going to sleep very soon." The four do quick work of the dishes. Annie washes them, Jack them, James dries them off, and Michelle puts them away. Jack goes to sleep after that, the others go to the front. Michelle sits on the driver’s seat and turns the key. Nothing happens. "Oh, yeah, that’s been a problem", James remembers. "Can you open the door for a sec?" He grabs a big wrench and a jumper cable, and heads outside. Michelle and Annie hear him opening some panel in the back of the bus followed by arcing noises. The engine begins to turn over. Michelle turns the key again. Finally, the engine roars to life. James slams the panel shut and returns.