If you are here for reading, skip past the outline. *Next day, Annie only has to be at work in the afternoon so she goes to the library.* * *Arrival at the library* * *Ask for the manual* * *it’s recently been classified due to a bunch of ppl trying to leave the dome* * *Librarian behind the counter says something like "I have to write down your details, let me get the list rq" while scribbling a note on her library card, then he winks at her and nods to the door* * *Annie leaves* * *Outside, she hears the Librarian say "Dorothy, she took her library card and ran, what do I do?"* * *Annie hurries back to the station and gets on the next train* * *she reads the note on her library card: Meet at xyz metro station, 10:30 PM* "Next stop: Center Square" Annie looks up. That’s the station she has to get off at. She only needs to be at work in the afternoon so she decided to get the manual for Jack. The train comes to a halt in the station. Annie steps out onto the platform. Few people are around at this time. She glances at the clock next to the train display: 10:17 AM. The light on the display switches to the next train and the digits for the time of arrival start flipping over. *Is there a more elegant way to describe the train station displays of yesteryear?* The door chime sounds and the doors close. Annie starts to walk. The train begins to hum and starts to move. She follows the roughly three other people towards the exit. Annie walks down the stairs and steps onto the square. It is brightly illuminated by a large glowing sphere made of yellow and brown glass tiles suspended on steel cables hanging from four office complexes that tower over the rest of the buildings. To the right is the library, a large building with a facade of sandstone blocks. The front features large pillars and a staircase spanning the entire width of the building making it look like an ancient temple. The wall behind the pillars has multiple rows of windows revealing that the building has multiple stories. Annie makes her way up the stairs and enters through the large wooden doors. She walks up to the counter. "Hello, how may I help you today?" The guy behind the counter smiles. "Borrowing the next stack of fantasy books?", he asks. "Uhm... Actually, no", Annie replies as she takes her library card and a piece of paper out of her bag. "I have a quite unusual request. I am looking for" - she glances at the piece of paper - "a manual for a B three three F Y dash A F bunker door." The guy types into his terminal for a moment. Annie places her library card on the counter. With a worried look, he turns back to her: "I’m afraid, that information has recently been classified. There is a note about terrorism in here." "So there is no way to get it?" He musters her for a second, then he takes the card and scribbles something on it before putting it back. "I can check you against a list of people with security clearance. One moment, I’ll get it." He gestures and nods towards the exit. Then, he turns around and walks towards a door on the left, seemingly taking his sweet time. Annie gets the message, grabs her library card and makes a swift exit. Just as she leaves, she hears him call out to someone else: "Dorothy, she left. What do I put on the list?" *heavy door falls shut, Annie hurries back to the train station and gets on the first train that comes, she takes out her library card and checks the note - such and such station, 10:30 PM*