#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys, os def htmlencode(string): outstring = "" for char in string: if char in ["<", ">", "'", "’", "\"", "&"]: replacements = { "<": "<", ">": ">", "'": "'", "’": "'", "\"": """, "&": "&" } outstring = outstring + replacements[char] elif ord(char)>127: outstring = outstring + "&#" + str(ord(char)) + ";" else: outstring = outstring + char return outstring if len(sys.argv)<3: print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " ") sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]): print("Not a file: " + sys.argv[1]) sys.exit(2) if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[2]): print("File exists: " + sys.argv[2]) print("Refusing to operate.") sys.exit(2) chapter_name = input("Chapter name: ") template_file = open("html_resources/template.html", "r") template_lines = template_file.readlines(); template_lines[0].replace("Chapter Name", chapter_name) source_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r", encoding="utf-8") destination_file = open(sys.argv[2], "w", encoding="ascii") destination_file.write(template_lines[0]) element_type="" next_source_line = source_file.readline() while not next_source_line=="": if next_source_line == "\n": #TODO: use appropriate end action based on element type #TODO: deal with closing nested elements destination_file.write("\n") element_type="" next_source_line = source_file.readline() continue if element_type=="": #TODO: determine appropriate element type element_type="p" destination_file.write("<"+element_type+">\n") #TODO: deal with multiple spaces appropriately destination_file.write(" " + htmlencode(next_source_line)) next_source_line = source_file.readline() if next_source_line=="" and not element_type=="": #TODO: deal with closing nested elements destination_file.write("\n") destination_file.write(template_lines[1]) source_file.close() destination_file.close()