
Michelle says: I know the way.
Wanna drive? make it clear that Jack says this
The four of them get in the truck and she pulls onto the road in front of the bunker.
James asks: How far is it?
A decent bit. About an hour if the highway is in good shape. She turns right at an intersection onto the on-ramp Is that a word? I'm 80% sure... of said highway.
We're gonna find out very soon... she adds.

The highway has potholes and is partially overgrown but its condition is somehow good enough to drive fast. Michelle floors it and the city outskirts fly by. Within a couple minutes, they make it out of Ivydale, leaving its valley behind. The mountains make way for an area of plains. Michelle takes an exit onto another highway. The large, rusty signs above the road still indicate the proximity of Sentinel Shores where they haven't faded completely.

The highway takes them north, around the western part of Ivydale's lower side. After a while, they approach Sentinel Shores and Michelle takes an exit onto a rural road. The observatory is located on a hill ahead of them. It's a small group of buildings around a large round building with a dome for a roof. Off to the side is a group of four towers, three of them still holding small geodesic domes.

Michelle parks the truck on what remains of the large paved area between the buildings and they get out. Trees and bushes grow all over the place, some even out of the windows of the buildings.

What now? They start exploring but where to they begin?