If you are just here for reading, skip past the outline. *Outline:* * *Emily wakes up* * *Lena (her adult sister) is in the room, waiting for her to wake up, silently crying* * *the scene should make it immediately clear that this is in a base on the moon* * *large panorama window* * *Dialog:* * *Emily asks who died this time / who died today - preferably in a more elegant way* * *Lena’s spouse (?)* * *has to reveal that death is a common thing recently* * *caused by a disease* * *They were close to developing/discovering a cure but then Tony died* * *optionally reveals that there are now 5 ppl left: 4 adults and Emily* * *Emily puts on / changes into day clothes* * *They eat* * *They put on space suits and go outside to bury the body* * *Lena places some object of significance on the grave* Emily wakes up. She is laying in bed, facing the large panorama window. Her eyes wander across the familiar gray moonscape outside before fixating on the half-visible Earth ball for a moment. A noise - someone is in her module. Emily turns around to find her older sister Lena sitting against the wall - tears running down her face. After a moment to fully wake up and grasp the situation, she asks: "Who?" Lena snivels and points to the ring on her finger. *Dictionary to the rescue! Is that the right word? ...* A grim but not uncommon way for days to begin lately. That leaves five of them, and since Tony is gone there is no more hope for a cure. *missing section* The air hisses in the lines as the door closes behind them. The noise of the vacuum pumps kicks in and begins to slowly fade.