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Michelle says: <span class="quote speech">I know the way.</span><br />
Jack extends his hand with the keys.<br />
<span class="quote speech">Wanna drive?</span><br />
<span class="quote speech">Sure.</span><br />
She takes them and the four get in the truck. A few moments later,
Michelle pulls onto the road in front of the bunker.<br />
James asks: <span class="quote speech">How far is it?</span><br />
<span class="quote speech">A decent bit. Used to be about an hour on the
highway. If it&apos;s in even somewhat decent shape, I&apos;d say
we&apos;re gonna make it there in about that time.</span><br />
She turns right at an intersection onto the on-ramp, saying:<br />
<span class="quote speech">Gonna find out very soon...</span>
The pavement is cracked and has potholes, and the highway is partially
overgrown but, despite this, its condition is somehow good enough.
Michelle floors it and the remains of the city outskirts flies by.
Within a few minutes, they make it out of Ivydale, leaving its valley
behind. The mountains make way for an area of plains and
<span class="comment">low, smooth</span> hills. She takes an exit onto
another highway. The large, rusty signs above it still indicate the
proximity of Sentinel Shores where they haven&apos;t faded completely.
The highway takes them north, around the western part of Ivydale&apos;s
lower side. After a while, they approach what used to be the outskirts of
Sentinel Shores and Michelle takes an exit, getting them onto a rural
road. The observatory is located on a hill, now ahead of them; a small
group of buildings in the distance.
<span class="comment">What symbol to put where that semicolon is?
Keep the semicolon? A comma? A dash?</span>
As they get closer, the buildings take distinct shapes. Two of them stand
out: The one in the center holds a large geodesic dome and another one off
to the side <span class="comment">elegant description of an optical
observatory?</span>. The other buildings look mostly unremarkable.
Michelle parks the truck on what remains of the large paved area between
the buildings and they get out. Trees and bushes grow all over the place,
some even out of the windows and through the roofs of the buildings.
<p class="comment">
What now? They start exploring but where to they begin?
<p class="copyright">Copyright &#169; 2023 Jan Danielzick (aka. BodgeMaster) &ndash; All rights reserved.</p><script>let spans = ["<span class=\"paper green\">", "<span>"]; let pre_texts = document.getElementsByTagName("pre"); for (let i = 0; i < pre_texts.length; i++) {if (pre_texts[i].className != "paper") continue; let lines = pre_texts[i].innerHTML.split("\n"); let result = ""; for (let j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {result = result + spans[j%2] + lines[j] + " ".repeat(80-lines[j].length) + "</span>\n";} pre_texts[i].innerHTML = result;}</script></body></html>