#!/usr/bin/env bash function press_any_key { echo "Press any key to continue or Ctrl+c to abort..." read -n1 DISCARD_ME } function are_you_really_really_sure { echo "Enter the following to continue: $1" read -p "> " DISCARD_ME if [ "$1" = "$DISCARD_ME" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function yesno { unset DISCARD_ME while [ -z "$DISCARD_ME" ]; do read -p "[y/n] " -n1 DISCARD_ME case "$DISCARD_ME" in y) return 0 ;; n) return 1 ;; *) echo " Please enter y for yes or n for no." unset DISCARD_ME ;; esac done } function run_in_target { echo "$@" | chroot /mnt/target sh } clear echo " This script will now download and install Void Linux on your USB stick. Any data that is currently on the stick will be lost and it won’t be usable from Windows or MacOS. Before we begin, the following packages need to be installed (if not installed already): - xmirror - squashfs-tools - wget - xtools-minimal" press_any_key xbps-install --sync xbps-install --yes --update xbps xbps-install --yes xmirror squashfs-tools wget xtools-minimal #TODO: If going down the path of extracting routines from void-installer and # xmirror, that should be done here. #TODO: Select keyboard layout KBD_LAYOUT="de-latin1" clear echo "Select the USB stick to install to (NAME column below)... " # exclude loop devices lsblk --exclude 7 --nodeps --output NAME,SIZE,MODEL echo "" read -p "> " TARGET_DISK while [ ! -b "/dev/$TARGET_DISK" ]; do lsblk --exclude 7 --nodeps --output NAME,SIZE,MODEL echo "$TARGET_DISK is not a valid device!" read -p "> " TARGET_DISK done clear echo "Selected device:" lsblk --output NAME,SIZE,MODEL,LABEL,FSTYPE "/dev/$TARGET_DISK" echo " WARNING: The selected device will be wiped, partitioned, and formatted. ALL DATA ON IT WILL BE LOST PERMANENTLY. It will not be usable with Windows or MacOS while holding Void. " if are_you_really_really_sure "Yes, erase it."; then true else echo "Aborting." exit 1 fi # new GPT # 2M BIOS GRUB # 268M ESP # everything else one big partition echo "g n +2M n +268M n t 1 4 t 2 1 t 3 20 w" | fdisk --wipe always --wipe-partitions always "/dev/$TARGET_DISK" TARGET_PART_BIOS="$(lsblk --raw --noheadings --output PATH "/dev/$TARGET_DISK" | sed -n '2p')" TARGET_PART_EFI="$(lsblk --raw --noheadings --output PATH "/dev/$TARGET_DISK" | sed -n '3p')" TARGET_PART_BIG="$(lsblk --raw --noheadings --output PATH "/dev/$TARGET_DISK" | sed -n '4p')" mkfs.vfat -F32 -n "EFIBOOT" "$TARGET_PART_EFI" mkfs.f2fs -f -l "container" "$TARGET_PART_BIG" mkdir -p /mnt/target mount -t tmpfs -o size=3g,mode=755 tmpfs /mnt/target # used for chroot later mkdir /mnt/target/run mount --rbind /run /mnt/target/run mkdir /mnt/target/proc mount --rbind /proc /mnt/target/proc mkdir /mnt/target/sys mount --rbind /sys /mnt/target/sys mkdir /mnt/target/dev mount --rbind /dev /mnt/target/dev # actual storage mkdir -p /mnt/target/run/void-usb/container mount "$TARGET_PART_BIG" /mnt/target/run/void-usb/container mkdir /mnt/target/boot mkdir /mnt/target/run/void-usb/container/boot mount --bind /mnt/target/run/void-usb/container/boot /mnt/target/boot mkdir /mnt/target/boot/efi mount "$TARGET_PART_EFI" /mnt/target/boot/efi mkdir /mnt/target/home mkdir /mnt/target/run/void-usb/container/home mount --bind /mnt/target/run/void-usb/container/home /mnt/target/home clear echo "Storage is now prepared and ready for installation. You need to select a download mirror for Void next. The script will launch xmirror on the host/live system and determine the chosen mirror from the config file it generates. " press_any_key xmirror #TODO: also remove CPU architecture TARGET_MIRROR="$(sed 's/repository=//;s|/musl$||' /etc/xbps.d/00-repository-main.conf)" #TODO: select installation type TARGET_TYPE="x86_64" #TODO: also add CPU architecture if grep "musl" <<< "$TARGET_TYPE"; then TARGET_MIRROR="$TARGET_MIRROR/musl" fi mkdir -p /mnt/target/var/db/xbps/keys cp /var/db/xbps/keys/* /mnt/target/var/db/xbps/keys/ XBPS_ARCH="$TARGET_TYPE" xbps-install --yes --sync --rootdir /mnt/target --repository "$TARGET_MIRROR" \ linux bash shadow f2fs-tools dosfstools dbus NetworkManager iana-etc \ iw wpa_supplicant util-linux which tar man-pages iproute2 iputils \ wifi-firmware traceroute grep gzip file sed gawk less coreutils findutils \ diffutils pciutils usbutils tzdata base-files ncurses mdocml procps-ng \ kbd xbps sudo ethtool kmod eudev runit-void removed-packages nano acpid \ squashfs-tools grub grub-i386-efi grub-x86_64-efi dracut xz echo "repository=$TARGET_MIRROR" > /mnt/target/etc/xbps.d/00-repository-main.conf echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" > /mnt/target/etc/sudoers.d/wheel_as_sudo_group.conf mkdir -p /mnt/target/opt/void-usb chmod 755 /mnt/target/opt/void-usb echo '# Void USB dracut configuration hostonly="no" compress="xz" add_dracutmodules+=" void-usb " omit_dracutmodules+=" nvdimm resume "' > /mnt/target/etc/dracut.conf.d/99-void-usb.conf mkdir -p /mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb chmod 755 /mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb wget --output-document=/mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb/module-setup.sh https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/dracut-modules/90void-usb/module-setup.sh chmod 744 /mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb/module-setup.sh wget --output-document=/mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb/create-loop0.sh https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/dracut-modules/90void-usb/create-loop0.sh chmod 744 /mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb/create-loop0.sh wget --output-document=/mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb/squashfs-img.sh https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/dracut-modules/90void-usb/squashfs-img.sh chmod 744 /mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb/squashfs-img.sh wget --output-document=/mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb/overlay.sh https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/dracut-modules/90void-usb/overlay.sh chmod 744 /mnt/target/lib/dracut/modules.d/90void-usb/overlay.sh wget --output-document=/mnt/target/opt/void-usb/backup-fs https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/opt/backup-fs chmod 744 /mnt/target/opt/void-usb/backup-fs echo " /opt/void-usb/backup-fs" >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.shutdown echo "# See fstab(5). # # /run/void-usb/container, /run/void-usb/overlay, and / are mounted by scripts in initramfs /run/void-usb/container/boot /boot none bind 0 0 /run/void-usb/container/home /home none bind 0 0 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs size=512m 0 0 UUID=$(blkid --output value --match-tag UUID $TARGET_PART_EFI) /boot/efi vfat defaults,fmask=0077,dmask=0077 0 2 " > /mnt/target/etc/fstab if grep "#KEYMAP=" /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf; then sed -i -e 's/#KEYMAP=.*/KEYMAP="'"$KBD_LAYOUT"'"/' /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf else clear echo "WARNING: Could not locate the keymap setting in rc.conf." echo "The script will attempt to add one." echo "" press_any_key echo "" >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf echo "# Install script could not find keymap setting, adding one here." >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf echo "KEYMAP=\"$KBD_LAYOUT\"" >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf fi #TODO timezone clear echo "Is the hardware clock set to UTC? Most Unix/Linux systems set the clock in your computer to UTC and add the time zone on-the-fly. If you use Windows, you will want to answer no here. " if yesno; then if grep "#HARDWARECLOCK=" /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf; then sed -i -e 's/#HARDWARECLOCK=.*/HARDWARECLOCK="UTC"/' /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf else clear echo "WARNING: Could not locate the hardwareclock setting in rc.conf." echo "The script will attempt to add one." echo "" press_any_key echo "" >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf echo "# Install script could not find hardwareclock setting, adding one here." >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf echo 'HARDWARECLOCK="UTC"' >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf fi else if grep "#HARDWARECLOCK=" /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf; then sed -i -e 's/#HARDWARECLOCK=.*/HARDWARECLOCK="localtime"/' /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf else clear echo "WARNING: Could not locate the hardwareclock setting in rc.conf." echo "The script will attempt to add one." echo "" press_any_key echo "" >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf echo "# Install script could not find hardwareclock setting, adding one here." >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf echo 'HARDWARECLOCK="localtime"' >> /mnt/target/etc/rc.conf fi fi clear echo "Do you want to set a hostname? This is equivalent to giving a name to your computer - except it's a system on a USB drive. If you leave this empty, it will be set to void-usb. Allowed characters are a-zA-Z0-9 (and - in the middle). " while [ -z "$TARGET_HOSTNAME" ]; do read -p "> " TARGET_HOSTNAME if [ -z "$TARGET_HOSTNAME" ]; then TARGET_HOSTNAME="void-usb" else if grep -e "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]$" -e "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$" <<< "$TARGET_HOSTNAME" > /dev/null 2>&1; then true else echo "Allowed characters are a-zA-Z0-9 (and - in the middle)." unset TARGET_HOSTNAME fi fi done echo "$TARGET_HOSTNAME" > /mnt/target/etc/hostname mkdir /mnt/target/boot/efi/LOADER echo "GRUB has been deliberately installed to a non-standard location. This avoids default kernel hooks breaking the custom config." > /mnt/target/boot/efi/LOADER/README.TXT # no idea if any of these are even necessary/relevant but it can’t hurt... TARGET_PRELOAD_GRUB_MODULES="usb usbms uhci ehci ohci part_gpt f2fs ahci ata pata" run_in_target grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=/boot/efi/LOADER --disk-module=native --modules="'$TARGET_PRELOAD_GRUB_MODULES'" "'/dev/$TARGET_DISK'" run_in_target grub-install --target=i386-efi --boot-directory=/boot/efi/LOADER --disk-module=native --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable --no-nvram --modules="'$TARGET_PRELOAD_GRUB_MODULES'" "'/dev/$TARGET_DISK'" run_in_target grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --boot-directory=/boot/efi/LOADER --disk-module=native --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable --no-nvram --modules="'$TARGET_PRELOAD_GRUB_MODULES'" "'/dev/$TARGET_DISK'" wget --output-document=/mnt/target/opt/void-usb/grub-config https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/opt/grub-config chmod 744 /mnt/target/opt/void-usb/grub-config #TODO: ensure that this is being run by xbps-reconfigure -fa, if not add it here # run_in_target /opt/void-usb/grub-config wget --output-document=/mnt/target/etc/kernel.d/pre-install/99-void-usb https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/kernel.d/pre-install/99-void-usb chmod 744 /mnt/target/etc/kernel.d/pre-install/99-void-usb wget --output-document=/mnt/target/etc/kernel.d/post-install/99-void-usb https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/kernel.d/post-install/99-void-usb chmod 744 /mnt/target/etc/kernel.d/post-install/99-void-usb wget --output-document=/mnt/target/etc/kernel.d/post-remove/99-void-usb https://lostcave.ddnss.de/git/BodgeMaster/void-minecraft-usb/raw/branch/master/kernel.d/post-remove/99-void-usb chmod 744 /mnt/target/etc/kernel.d/post-remove/99-void-usb run_in_target xbps-reconfigure -fa run_in_target /opt/void-usb/backup-fs #