remove hard coded domain names and URLs in all files with variables #27

opened 2021-08-31 01:34:59 +02:00 by BodgeMaster · 2 comments

This is a temporary step to make ThreadR more portable. In the future, we will ideally determine the domain name to use in the setup process.

This is a temporary step to make ThreadR more portable. In the future, we will ideally determine the domain name to use in the setup process.
BodgeMaster added the
Bad Style
label 2021-08-31 01:34:59 +02:00
BodgeMaster changed title from remove hard coded domain names and URLs in variable_grabbler.pass*.json with variables to remove hard coded domain names and URLs in all files with variables 2021-08-31 02:22:41 +02:00

Found more hard-coded stuff... I geuss that happened in crunch week....

Found more hard-coded stuff... I geuss that happened in crunch week....
BodgeMaster added the
Priority: Normal
label 2021-09-02 06:11:46 +02:00


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