update comment to document failure

BodgeMaster 2022-03-21 05:39:54 +01:00
parent cfa7117d8a
commit 3f1103d3b8
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -71,5 +71,6 @@ class Message(QtWidgets.QMessageBox):
# Idea for a workaround for both:
# Maybe Qt has scheduled events in which case a scheduled polling event could run a function inside the Qt thread that fetches commands and executes them.
# This could work by passing (lambda) functions through a Communication object.
#UPDATE: Tried implementing both approaches, neither worked. :(
def fixme_window_mainloop_workaround_to_just_get_a_window_started_really_should_not_be_implemented_this_way_for_reasons_stated_in_the_comment_above_the_definition_of_this_function():