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Big-picture story overview:
Story begins on Tue, 2106-06-01
[partial] Jack wakes up
-> finds himself trapped in a bunker
-> leaves Michelle frozen
-> attempts to fix the door to get out
-> [missing] no tools, improvisation
-> tries and fails to get a service manual from the computer dur to a
broken hard drive
-> [implied] connects to the AgriWorks computer
[partial} Annie finds out about his situation
-> finds the terminal
-> [partial] figures out she (or anyone else for that matter) can't help
him directly
-> agrees to get him the manual
-> [partial] leaves work for the day
[needs revision] Annie goes to the library
-> she doesn't get the manual
-> instead, she gets a mysterious invite
[partial] Jack messes with the computer
-> [missing] inspects the damage on the hard drive
-> [missing] talks to Annie again
-> outcome of the library visit
-> Annie figures out shift and special chars
-> Annie asks a bunch of questions about Jack and his situation
-> [partial] Jack prints off the logbook
[partial] Secret organization meeting
-> Annie meets with Lucas
-> [needs revision] finds out that Karl is also part of the group
-> [needs revision] Lucas needs to go but leaves his keys
-> [change] He needs to leave immediately
-> [missing] He says something to the effect of "leave them at xyz
location when you're done"
-> [missing] They decide to steal the manual, not because they know that
that's the right type of door but because they want someone on the
outside for strategic reasons
-> talk about Jack
[needs revision] Annie and Isabelle steal the manual
-> [change] They search for the computer
-> They get the manual
-> They almost get caught
[missing] Annie and Karl contact Jack
-> Jack is reading the logs when the bell on the teleprinter dings
-> The logs need to make it very clear that, presumably, there are
still ppl living on the moon
-> the file contents of the stolen manual are gibberish
-> Jack takes a look at the file
-> turns out it's encrypted
-> Jack can write a program to break the encryption but for that to
be feasibly, they need a computer with a Number Cruncher 2000 card
-> Karl asks if Jack could/would open the airlocks from the outside
[missing] Next secret organization meetup
-> short interaction between Annie and Lucas
-> "You got your keys?" "I got my keys, thx."
-> relay the news from Jack
-> they decide to "borrow" a computer that has the right hardware
-> has to end with law enforcement arriving at the bar for an unrelated
reason and Kate telling them to gtfo
[partial] Emily intro
-> Emily wakes up, Lena is in her room crying
-> introduce the fact that there is a dangerous pathogen wreaking havoc on
the moon
-> ???
-> funeral
[missing] Annie stops working at AgriWorks
-> (this chapter can be moved to wherever is convenient)
-> Annie talks to Jack over the terminal. They talk about all sorts of
things, the outside world, the inside world, ... (this might be just
hinted at)
-> She falls asleep and gets found there the next day
-> She either gets let go or quits
[missing] secret organization plans the heist
-> new location (because day)
-> discussing two possible targets
-> discussing strategies for the heist
-> discussing what to do with the computer when they no longer need it
-> they obviously can't keep it so they will see if it's possible to
return it, if not get rid of it in another way
[missing] planning for getting the power plant documents to Jack
-> (this chapter can be moved to wherever it is convenient)
-> While talking to Jack, the idea of messing with the power plant comes up
-> Jack doesn't like the idea of a terrorist attack but he is open to the
idea of performing some unscheduled but clearly communicated
-> They decide that Annie should meet up with Jack at a train station to
get him all the documentation he needs
[missing] The heist
-> four secret organization members pull up at the front entrance of a
company's building
-> Karl's friend backs his truck up agains the stairs leading to the door
-> two additional members arrive by other means
-> break-in
-> Annie, Isabelle, the company insider, and another member head inside
-> Karl and his friend wait outside
-> The group inside makes quick work of getting all the things
-> quick double check that the Number Cruncher 2000 is in the computer
-> Annie and Isabelle push the computer
-> The company insider collects all sorts of random bits and bobs
-> The other guy carries a terminal
-> they disperse in all directions
[missing] setting up the computer at Karl's place
-> TV on with news about the heist
-> They hook it up to a modem so that Jack can get his program ready
[missing] Some moon scene
-> Idk what exactly but it shows that Lena doesn't like the lab mice
(this is relevant later)
[missing] Opening the bunker door
-> Jack goes outside and takes a look around
-> wakes up Michelle
[partial] Exploring the Ivydale area
-> ???
-> exploring the train yard
-> finding fuel
-> find an intact metro train
[missing] returning the stolen computer
-> they get caught and run
-> leave the computer at the side entrance
-> some ppl get arrested (Lucas?)
-> another news segment along the lines of "In a bizarre turn of events..."
[partial] Annie meets Jack
-> Jack drives a train into the dome
-> original plan was for Annie to hand over the documents
-> police are at Annie's drop-off point, arresting Karl's friend
-> she stays on the train and leave the city
[partial] Annie sees the outside world for the first time
-> Annie enjoys the view from the side of the valley
-> They make their way to where used to be a bridge and climb down
-> continue towards the bunker
[missing] James the nomad shows up at the bunker with his dog
-> looking for the Sentinel Shores observatory
-> decides he's gonna stay for the night
-> playing with the dog
-> Jack and Annie arrive
-> food
-> talk about the before times
-> James decides to postpone his trip to Sentinel Shores, the bunker has
turned out to be more interesting than expected
[missing] failing to get in touch with the moon
-> Jack and Michelle troubleshoot
-> reading logs
-> computer equipment is fine
-> They go outside to inspect the dish
-> a river has wreaked havoc on important comms equipment
-> decision to check out the Sentinel Shores observatory
[missing] Trip to Sentinel Shores
-> The comms eqipment looks good but all computer erquipment missing
-> talk about where to get computers from
-> James suggests the datacenter in Rogue Tides
2023-11-23 07:58:21 +01:00
[outdated stuff that may serve as ideas for current story]
2023-04-27 11:46:06 +02:00
* *... missing things (not in order):*
* *power plant shenanigans*
* *secret organization has to do things like putting up banners in high-profile locations and/or distribute a manifesto*
* *power has to go out for a while - or completely until someone fixes the power plant (could be that something breaks while they start up the plant again)*
* *has to result in the dome city opening up*
2023-05-02 09:13:14 +02:00
* *IDEA: "The power will be going out on <date> for critical maintenance that you have neglected to do for a century. Shame on you for sticking your heads in the sand instead of facing the problems of the outside world."*
* *the protagonists move to Sentinel Shores*
2023-10-04 22:58:58 +02:00
* *Originally I was thinking they might move to a factory hall or hangar or maybe even one of the lower levels of a sky scraper but it might be more realistic that they just move into the observatory as it's where they work on stuff*
2023-04-27 11:46:06 +02:00
* *Annie has never been on a boat so they fix one up and hop over to Rogue Tides*
* *encounter the electronics tinkerer*
* *problematic encounter with one of the groups/tribes/whatever*
* *the members have gone nuts and are religious fanatics*
2023-10-04 22:58:58 +02:00
* *They see Jack's Neotek Dynamics company clothes and start treating him as an evil god*
* *try really hard to stop him from leaving or doing anything*
2023-04-27 11:46:06 +02:00
* *cause for them to be more cautious? Idk*
* *neutral encounter with the other one*
* *trading or bartering*
* *getting the telescope and the dish going*
* *first contact with moon*
2023-05-02 09:13:14 +02:00
* *Lena dies*
* *Emily takes off from the moon*
* *\[done, needs revision\] Emily lab incident*
2023-04-27 11:46:06 +02:00
* *they have to, at some point, climb on a sky scraper - maybe even multiple times*
2023-11-23 07:58:21 +01:00
[needs revision] Emily enters the atmosphere
-> technical failure
[mostly done] Emily lands
2023-04-27 11:46:06 +02:00
Scene Ideas:
Annie, in her search for an alternative to whatever the underground city
has as "coffee", obtains some drug from the electronics tinkerer. She
proceeds to get high as the sky and gets herself into a dangerous
situation before the others catch on to what's happening. Jack will end up
more or less forcing her back to the base and sit there watching her so she
doesn't do anything stupid.
Emily is alone, preparing for her descent to Earth. As part of the
2023-11-23 07:58:21 +01:00
preparations, she releases the remaining lab mice into the biotope
module (they came from there originally).