post_apocalypse_story/ra (first time Emily witnes...

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  • Emily walks to the main control center
    • it has also been used as a general hang-out spot bc it has a rather nice view of the biotope and the sky
  • Emily and Lena sit down at a desk with a view of the biotope and have a meal
    • the meal gets interrupted by the equipment in the control center coming to life (fans coming on, some control panels lighting up, boot-up/status/ready beeps)
      • a status light on the wall, that Emily had never seen on, lights up (could be something like "LINK")
      • short dialog, could be something like this: "Thats them." "Earth people?" Lena nods and gets up.
  • Lena tells Emily to follow
    • They walk over to a control panel with an embedded terminal
    • Communication with Earth ensues
      • bittersweet dialog
        • Emily is conscious again
        • Lena is going to die
        • They talk about what will become of Emily
          • Emily doesnt (yet) want to leave the moon - shes afraid of leaving her entire world behind
          • The decision is made that whatever preparations can be done, should be done, just in case